Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tom McDonough to speak in Worcester, MA, June 8

Tom McDonough, author of An Eye For Others, Dorothy Day, Journalist: 1916-1917, will be speaking at SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker on Wednesday, June 8, at 7:00 pm.

SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker
52 Mason Street
Worcester, MA 01610.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tom McDonough speaks at Maryhouse, NYC

Tom McDonough, author of An Eye For Others, Dorothy Day, Journalist: 1916-1917, spoke about the book and Dorothy's early life on Friday, May 27, 2016 at Maryhouse, the Catholic Worker house of hospitality where Dorothy died. Jane Sammon introduced the speaker with: "I love this book!"

In 1948, Dorothy wrote "It is not true love if we do not know them [the poor], and we can only know them by living with them, and if we love with knowledge we will love with faith, hope, and charity." In 1917, she did not have the faith, hope, and charity she later had, but she was experiencing the daily sufferings of the poor as she visited them in their homes and wrote their stories.

McDonough documented Dorothy's emotions during her first year in New York City: loneliness in the big city, anger at the injustices she saw, fear and anxiety as the anti-pacifist sentiment got physical, discouragement when the battle for peace was lost, and, ultimately, the dejection that led her to leave the Bohemian scene, at least temporarily.

He also emphasized her involvement in the intellectual ferment of Greenwich Village before and during America's entry into World War I with brief descriptions of some of her friends with whom she remained loyal even after their spiritual and political lives diverged.

Friday night "Clarification of Thought" sessions have been a part of the Catholic Worker mission since 1934.

What have folks been saying about An Eye For Others? Click here.

Monday, February 22, 2016

An Eye For Others, Dorothy Day, Journalist: 1916-1917 to be Released April 5, 2016

Clemency Press is excited to announce that its new title, An Eye For Others, Dorothy Day, Journalist: 1916-1917 is now on sale.

Dorothy Day's first job in journalism was with a socialist newspaper, The New York Call

Buy it on Amazon.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Special eBook Promotion

Clemency Press has joined 16 other publishers at Indie Catholic Authors Group in this summer promotion. See all the e-books here:  

The e-book versions of "Learning to Pray with St. Josemaría" are on sale June 25 and 26, the feast of St. Josemaria for 99¢.


If you have already purchased "Learning to Pray..." from Amazon, you can get the Kindle version for FREE
during this special promotion.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Learning to Pray with St. Josemaría available on Kindle

"Learning to Pray with St. Josemaría," released in March on Amazon, is now available on Kindle.

The editor of the book, Tom McDonough, said "The two most popular genres for eBooks are erotica and spirituality. Therefore, we are excited to release 'Learning to Pray' for the many travelers by plane, bus, train and subway who will benefit from St. Josemaría's personal, daring, childlike manner of talking with each of the three Persons of the Divine Trinity and their daughter, mother and spouse."

He added "I can never read a passage of the New Testament in the second section without feeling the presence of St. Josemaría and his help in getting new insights into the texts."

A NOOK version of the eBook will be available before June 26, 2015.

Both the Kindle and NOOK eBooks sell online for $5.99.

SPECIAL OFFER: Both versions of the eBooks will be on sale for $0.99 on June 26 (from midnight to midnight, EST).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WARNING: Read This Before Buying an #ASUS Product

There really should be no conflict between man and the machine since the machine is the creation of man in service to God and all of humanity. Nevertheless, there are those who insist on taking sides; for instance, the ASUS Corporation of Fremont, CA.

ASUS definitely is on the side of the machine. The company is "passionate" about technology but has little regard for its customers. ASUS entices customers with fine design and a one year conditional warranty but when something goes wrong the afflicted customer finds the warranty behind an impermeable stockade that repels all attempts of access.

The touch screen on my ASUS tablet (#Transformer #K010 running #Android 4.42) stopped working. What use is a tablet when the touch screen is not working? ASUS's "passion" for technology did not see them dive into the solution of this problem since the first painful inquiries began appearing on the Internet in 2010. Nor did they set up a special page on their product service page to lead the plaintive customer to a happy solution.

No. The heartbroken, aggrieved customer with an insensitive touch screen must find recourse in the multiple posts of other customers on how they solved the problem. One single post, a YouTube video has been viewed 6,679 times which gives you an idea of the extent of this one problem. ASUS management: are you listening?

Yet, I was determined to find a kindly human at ASUS who would have mercy on me. I called the ASUS customer service number (1-888-678-3588) and had to listen to their corporate mantra about their "passion for technology" and the 4,256 awards they won in 2013 while I held the defective product of that passion and those awards in my hands. After 19 tortured minutes, I hung up.

Next, I tried Live Chat. In order to chat with anyone at ASUS you have to "Create a Service Case". Has there ever been a form with more user contempt? Why do they need to know what town I live in to answer my question? This form is SO BAD you have to walk through it to believe it  ASUS management has either completely ignored 30 years of customer service psychology or they just DON"T CARE about their customers.

When I had filled out the form and clicked SUBMIT something blew up and I was back to a blank "Create a Service Case" page.

With some intimidation, I returned to the results of my search for solutions and tried one which did not solve the problem. Perhaps ASUS management hopes that customers will simply throw this junk in the garbage and buy a #Samsung. However, I have decided to post this blog as a permanent warning to unwary buyers of passionate technologies and recommend that they NEVER PURCHASE an ASUS product.

Lastly, I bought the device at #B&H in New York City. I was naive enough to think that a company that relies on its reputation as a retailer would do sufficient due diligence to keep this sort of junk off their shelves. I guess I was mistaken.

Oh for the era of mutual cooperation into which we are headed! Generosity and humility will replace greed and pride. Will ASUS Corporation of Fremont, CA be a part of it?

#Asus #Transformer #epad

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Learning to Pray with St. Josemaría

Our first book, Learning to Pray with St. Josemaría, went live on Amazon on March 19th. The Kindle version will be available April 10.
Stay tuned for Barnes&Noble/Nook editions in the next few weeks. 
Plus Spanish editions of the book and e-book by early May.

To pray is to talk to God, but how?  With this book we learn from a master, St. Josemaría Escrivá, presented in two ways. 

Part I takes selections from his written works in which he interrupts his preaching or writing in order to speak directly with God.

Part II is his collection of New Testament passages assembled by St. Josemaría in 1933 which fed his own prayer, reflection and preaching.

Together, they accent the simple, confident, childlike way he talked to his divine Father.

St. Josemaría’s message was and is that God calls us all to holiness in the midst of the mundane things of every day. He invites us to converse with Him right there. 

We hope both sections will help you get closer to God.
“Clemency Press does a great service for the Catholic faithful by assembling many of the intimate prayers of one the Great Saints of our time, St Josemaría.”
Fr. C. John McCloskey, Research Fellow, Faith an Reason Institute, Washington D.C.

“Who would not like to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus?  In this little book, St. Josemaría shows us just how to do that.”
Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD, Executive Director of Relevant Radio